Get Your Car Wrapped


When it comes to customizing cars, our creative geniuses are never short on ideas and new designs for clients. Some clients like to do a car wrap that stands out while others simply want to alter the color of their car.

Matte Car Wraps
Have you ever seen a luxury sports car driving down the highway with a matte paint job that catches your eye? Even if you don’t have an expensive car, you can still take advantage of a beautiful car wrap for your vehicle. Some of the most popular matte colors are black and various shades of gray. They’re sleek, sexy, and don’t reflect light, making your car stand out even more.

Gloss Black Roof Wrap
In the past, high-end car manufacturers have used darkly tinted glass as part of the roof or simply leaving the car’s roof black. If you like the look of these cars, there’s no reason your car can’t achieve the same look.

Color Changing Wraps
Let’s say you recently bought a car you love at a great price but you just don’t like the paint color. You should be happy with your car and enjoy driving it every single day. Choose a new color for your vehicle and car wrapping Denver specialists can get started transforming the exterior into the car of your dreams.

Color Change Wraps Options
Advancements in vinyl wrap technology in the past decade have allowed drivers around the country to enjoy the sleek look of vehicle wraps, as well as take advantage of the opportunity to advertise to tens of thousands of people each day with vinyl vehicle advertising.

Is the cost of a vehicle wrap worth the hype? Is adding a vehicle wrap to your marketing budget worth the cost?

There Are No Downsides to Vehicle Wraps

For businesses that have a “brick and mortar” presence, a wrapped vehicle represents an excellent method of advertising around town. Consider, for example, the stationary presence of a traditional billboard with a company’s advertisement on it.

It’s likely that the same people will see that billboard every single day because of regular commutes and the fact that many people take the same route to work every single day. On the other hand, a vehicle with a vinyl wrap that looks like a mobile billboard will help increase the number of different citizens who see the advertisement.

With an affordable price and the potential for a significant expansion in the number of potential customers exposed to the company’s marketing efforts, the fact that a vinyl wrap also protects the company’s vehicles from wear and tear is icing on the cake.

Increasing Brand Recognition

One of the essential responsibilities of a marketing plan is increasing the number of people who see the company’s advertisements. However, it’s also important to increase brand awareness by showing customers the same images over and over again.

Increasing brand recognition is easy with a vehicle wrap because people around town see the company’s official vehicle over and over again with the increasingly familiar graphics. The type of vehicle used can even make an impact on the company’s advertising efforts.

For a plumbing company, a customer might expect to see a big work van with a roof rack that looks ready to tackle any plumbing emergency. On the other hand, a mobile notary public might benefit from a small electric car like the Chevy Spark, which gives people the impression of a quick and efficient notary service.

Car Wraps Help Keep Advertising Fresh

While it’s important to make sure a company’s visual persona remains consistent over time, it’s also important to make things feel fresh and new every few years. The logo of a business might remain the same, but the advertising and taglines surrounding it might change.

A vehicle wrap is the most cost-effective way to keep the company’s mobile advertising fresh because it’s much less expensive – and easier, too – to update a vinyl wrap with a new design than it is to get an entirely new paint job for the vehicle or fleet of vehicles. Be sure to have a car wrapping Denver professional install your new design!

Advertise While You Commute

Why advertise your business with a vehicle graphic or sign?

As a business owner, you appreciate the importance of effective advertising. Radio ads may not be heard by the customers you’re trying to reach and can be expensive. No one reads the newspaper anymore. And internet advertising can be an uphill battle trying to get found on Google.

However, with people driving so many miles these days, perhaps no other form of advertising is as most effective. Your company’s car or truck can stand out and make a memorable impression; leading to community awareness of your services.

Why is this the Case?

Well, think about the number of cars that pass you (or you pass) every day you go to the market, pick up kids from school, or are just stuck in traffic. That’s how many opportunities someone who drives a vehicle with their business information on it gets everyday to sell their services. And when you consider that you actually have a life and can’t spend every minute on your business, what if you could advertise it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without even trying? Now you’re beginning to see the wisdom in using your vehicle as a mobile billboard!

Now, before you go and grab a marker to write your contact information on your car’s windows, calm down. You have to realize that it isn’t just the fact that the information is ON the vehicle that will get you into the minds of potential customers. It’s HOW it’s done that matters. For example, I don’t know how many times I’ve driven off the freeway and seen a sign claiming to teach me how to make my income increase by ten’s of thousands of dollars that was written by hand with a marker on a piece of cardboard! Really? I doubt it. But why? Because of the sign! Well-designed vehicle graphics can really get you noticed and give people a way to know you are available to help. AND make them WANT to call you.

Vehicle graphics can be placed on virtually any part of a car. They can be made of very durable materials that are rated to last years. And rather than just using simple, cut out vinyl letters, you can have full-color, photo quality graphics that ‘pop’ and get noticed. In addition, when you consider how much it can cost to paint a work vehicle to look presentable, why not take the money and give it a full wrap for relatively the same price or cheaper; especially if the body is relatively straight?

Trying to advertise in the newspaper can cost you thousands of dollars over a period of a few years. Advertising on the radio can cost a chunk too. But if you drive a vehicle (which who doesn’t these days), then you can get great exposure for your business and advertise everywhere you go more effectively; all for a price that’s competitive with other forms of advertising.

What can we do to help?

When trying to come up with a design for your car or truck that will work in real life, vinyl car wrap Denver specialists can make things easier. We can help make the design in your imagination a reality. We’ll work with the wrap installation company to format the design in a way that you can use. Then we’ll give you a copy to keep and use as you see fit! We can also set you up with a professional installation technician who can have you rolling around town in no time!

How do vehicle wraps & signs work?


Basically, vinyl car wrap Denver specialists can take high quality graphics, vibrant colors, and stunning designs and use them to ‘frame’ your vehicle; making it stand out in the community. We don’t use cheap, single-color vinyl cut outs! These designs are made to be ‘printed’ on durable, thick coatings which can be sealed to last for years! We’ll work with you to accomplish your goals. Vehicles can be covered in full or partial wraps. Or we can even design smaller signage to fit over windows, hoods, sides, or trunk lids.